Ann's Family Photographs

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This page is for Ann McKague Brintnell Kelley and her descendants.

It's not that long ago that we first got in contact with descendants of Ann, and so far we have a serious shortage of pictures, as you will see below. In fact, the list below includes only ONE direct descendant of Ann--namely, Dave Fish. His wife Mary Louise is also here. The rest of the pictures are of Grayce, the wife of Ann descendant Donald Massey, and her immediate relatives.

Everybody, please help us make this page as impressive as George's! Send your pictures to Linda at the E-mail address on our main page. Or get in touch with her there for a snail mail address.

Fish, David Leslie
Fish, Mary Louise (Howell)
Fulsom, Harriet Ruth Grace (Wilson Massey) (Grayce)

Honey, Charles Harold Wesley (Charlie)
Honey, Marion Lillian Frances (Wilson), born 1911
Howell, Mary Louise

Massey, Harriet Ruth Grace (Wilson) (Grayce)
McCubbin, Dorothy (White)

White, Bertha Luella, 1892-1950
White, Dorothy
Wilson, Bertha Luella (White), 1892-1950
Wilson, Clara Margaret
Wilson, Harriet Ruth Grace (Grayce)
Wilson, Mabel Luella Josephine, born ca 1912
Wilson, Marion Lillian Frances, born 1911
Wilson, Thomas Franklin, 1881-1954 (Frank)
Wilson, William Irwin, 1916-1965 (Billy)

Young, Clayton, 1911-1999
Young, Dorothy (White McCubbin)
Young, Mabel Luella Josephine (Wilson), born ca 1912

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