Welcome to mckague.com. Your hosts are Linda McKague van Will and Carla McKague.
We want this site to be a resource for all of our family members, not just those named McKague. We welcome people named Wilson, McGregor, Richards, Osterhout, Clarke, or anything else--anybody whose family tree intersects with ours.
To help you navigate around this site, we've chosen an image associated with each of the seven main families it deals with. When you see a link incorporating one of these images, you'll know quickly which family's photographs, family tree or other information it leads to. Here are the images we're using (at least for now--we may change our minds later):
Here are the places you can go so far (see the bottom of the page for what's new):
Family genealogy. We've put up our efforts so far at documenting the various branches of our family. We welcome your comments, corrections and additions.
Family photographs. We've collected a lot of old and new pictures of family members, family homes and other related things. We are making them available as quickly as we can. We're also looking for more.
Family web links. We've got several here already. And we invite other family members with personal web pages, and related families with genealogical web pages, to have us include a link to their site.
Pure Gold. Family treasures of all kinds.
Search our site. Locate information, or just browse.
Guestbook. Let us know you've been here.
Credits. A thank you to some of those who've helped us.
Welcome aboard. And now that you're a member of the crew, send us your ideas.
March 2005: Unfortunately, nothing. This site has not been updated since early 2004. Since then we have had time problems, and now have some major technical problems. We do have lots of new information, but we can't promise when it will be added. We'll keep plugging away, and hope it won't be much longer.