Person Sheet

Name Trór
Birth Date ? 149
Death Date ?
Father Múnón OF TROY , King of Troy
Mother Tróán
1 Síbil
Birth Date ?
Death Date ?
Children Lóridi
Notes for Trór
"Fostered in Thrace by a certain war-duke called Lóríkus. He was goodly to look at with hair faireer than gold. When he was 12 he was so strong he could lift 10 bear skins. He killed his foster father and mother (Lora) and took the kingdom of Thrace. He then travelled the earth, it is claimed, killing giants, dragons and many beasts. He met his wife in the north, where she was a prophetess."149
Research Notes
NAME: His name is also given as Thor.149
Last Modified Mar 2, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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