Person Sheet

Name Cadwallon AP CADFAN , King of Gwynnedd
Birth Date ? 149
Death Date ca 0634153
Death Memo killed in battle
Father Cadfan AP IAGO , King of Gwynnedd (?-0617)
1 Unknown OF MERCIA
Birth Date ? 149
Death Date ?
Father Pybba OF MERCIA , King of Mercia (?-ca0606)
Children Cadwaladr (?-0664)
Notes for Cadwallon AP CADFAN , King of Gwynnedd
"He killed Edwin of Northumbria at the battle of Meigen (Hatfield near Doncaster) in 632. In 633, he killed Edwin's successors, Osric of Deria and Eanfrith of Bernicia. The Venerable Bede declared that it was Cadwallon's intention to exterminate the English race. However, Cadwallon himself was killed in late 633 or 634 by Eanfrith's brother Oswald. This defeat denoted the extinction of the possiblility of restoring Brythonic supremacy in Britain.
"In the battles of 632 and 633, Cadwallon's ally was Penda, King of Mercia, who carried on the struggle with Northumbria after Cadwallon's death. Oswald was killed in the battle of Cogwy (Oswestry) in 641, and Penda was killed by Oswy, brother of Oswald in the battle of Cai (Winwaed) in 654.
"Cadwallon died in late 633 or 634, killed in battle. Cadwallon married a daughter of Pebba who was a sister of Penda, King of Mercia."153
Research Notes
DEATH: His date of death is given as "late 633 or 634".153 It is also given as ca 634.149
Last Modified Apr 5, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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