Person Sheet

Name Malcolm , King of Scotland
Alias/AKA Malcolm Caennmor (Malcolm Big Chief), Malcolm of Scotland149,153
Birth Date ca 1031149,153
Death Date Nov 13, 1093149,153
Death Place Alnwick
Death Memo Alnwick Castle
Burial Place Madrid, Spain149,153
Burial Memo Escorial
Father Duncan , King of Scotland (ca1001-1040)
Mother Aelflaed OF NORTHUMBRIA
1 Margaret ATHELING
Alias/AKA St. Margaret, Margaret the Exile149,153
Birth Date 1045149,153
Birth Place Hungary
Death Date Nov 16, 1093149,153
Death Place Edinburgh, Scotland
Death Memo Edinburgh Castle
Burial Place Fife, Scotland149,153
Burial Memo Dumferline Abbey. But see Research Notes.
Father Edward ATHELING (ca1016-1057)
Mother Agatha
Marriage Date 1068149
Marriage Place Fife, Scotland
Marriage Memo Dumferline Abbey
Children Matilda (1080-1118)
David (ca1084-1153)
Mary (?-1116)
Notes for Malcolm , King of Scotland
He killed Macbeth.149 He acceded to the throne April 25, 1058 at Scone Abbey, Perthshire.153

"Malcolm defeated and killed MacBeth in 1057, but Lulach, Lady MacBeth's son by her first marriage, ruled for a few months before Malcolm killed him, too. During Malcolm's reign the Norman Conquest of England ocurred, and feudal society migrated northwards into Scotland."153
Last Modified Apr 5, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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