Person Sheet

Name Kenneth MACALPIN , King of Scotland
Alias/AKA Kenneth of Scotland149
Birth Date ? 149,153
Death Date 0859149,153
Death Place Forteviot, Perthshire, Scotland
Burial Place Iona, Scotland149,153
Father Alpin OF KINTYRE , King of Scotland, King of Kintyre (?-0834)
Children Constantine (?-0877)
Notes for Kenneth MACALPIN , King of Scotland
He is also titled (by Burke) King of Picts & Alba, King of Galloway.149 He acceded to the throne in 839.153

"[He] united the Scots and the Picts with the establishment of the Kindom of Alba, which comprised Dalriada and the Kingdom of the Picts."153

"It should be noted that in early mediƦval Scotland, it was the eldest and/or ablest male of the royal house, and not the heir of line, that inherited the throne. This meant that any energetic male connected with the royal line could assert a claim to the throne. Thus, Kenneth (I) MacAlpin (838 - 858) was followed as king by his brother Donald (I) (858 - 862). Kenneth's son Constantine (I) did not become king until 862."153
Last Modified Apr 5, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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