Person Sheet

Occupation "habitant"113
Birth Date ca 1625113
Birth Place Chasteaux (now Château-la-Vallière), Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France
Birth Memo Notre-Dame Parish
Death Date Mar 21, 1689113,91
Death Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Date Mar 21, 1689113
Burial Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Etienne Guyotte.
Religion Roman Catholic113
Father Artus TESSIER (ca1600-?)
Mother Jeanne MEME (ca1600-?)
Birth Date Feb 24, 1636113,91
Birth Place Dompierre-sur-Mer, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France
Baptism Date Feb 24, 1636116,126
Baptism Place Dompierre-sur-Mer, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France
Baptism Memo Parish of St-Pierre
Death Date bef Aug 16, 1719113,116
Death Place PQ Canada
Death Memo from date of burial
Burial Date Aug 16, 1719113
Burial Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Bouffandeau. Also present were Jacques Tessier and Pierre Jannot.
Religion Roman Catholic113
Father Jacques ARCHAMBAULT (ca1604-1688)
Mother Francoise TOUREAU (ca1599-<1663)
Marriage Date Sep 28, 1648113
Marriage Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Barthelemy Vimont. Also present were Jean Bourdon, Robert Giffart and Nicolas Goupil.
Children Charles (Died as Child) (1649-1649)
Paul (<1651-1730)
Madeleine (Died as Child) (1653-<1666)
Laurent (1655-<1687)
Marie Louise (1657-<1727)
Agnes (<1659-<1733)
Urbain (<1661-<1685)
Jean Baptiste (<1663-1734)
Claude (<1665-?)
Jacques (Died as Child) (<1668-<1670)
Petronille (<1670-1751)
Jean Baptiste (1672-1736)
Pierre (Died as Child) (1674-1674)
Jacques (<1675-1738)
Ignace (<1677-<1747)
Nicolas (<1679-1757)
Notes for Urbain TESSIER dit LAVIGNE
Urbain was an immigrant from France.111 According to his son Urbain's baptismal certificate, he was captured by the Iroquois on Mar 4, 1661.113

This family is shown in the 1666 census of Montréal as follows:
Urbain TESSIER LAVIGNE, 42, "habitant", Marie ARCHAMBAUT, 30, Paul, 15, Laurent, 11, Louise, 9, Agnes, 7, Urbain, 4, Jean, 3, Claude, 7 wks (children's last name shown as TESSIER); Etienne Gentes, 18, "domestique, engagé" [servant, ?], Jacques Hurtaut, 25, "domestique, engagé" [servant, ?].113

The family is shown in the 1667 census of Montréal as follows:
Urbain TESSIER, 40, "habitant", Marie ARCHAMBAULT, 33, Paul Laurent, 15, Laurent, 11, Agnes, 8, Urbain, 6, Jean, 4, Claude, 17 mo, Louise, 9; Etienne Launay, 21, "domestique" [servant], ? Lamondor, 22, "domestique" [servant].113

The family is shown in the 1681 census of Montréal as follows:
Urbain TESSIER, 55, "habitant", Marie ARCHAMBAULT, 46, Paul, 30, Laurent, 25, Urbain, 20, Jean, 18, Claude, 16, Baptiste, 10, Jacques, 6, Ignace, 4, Nicolas, 2, Petronille, 12.113
Research Notes
NAME: Urbain's last name is also given as THECIER and as TEXIER.117

BIRTH: Urbain's parentage is confirmed with the birthdate given as ca 1626 and the birthplace given only as France.116 His parentage and birthdate are confirmed with the place given as Château-en-Anjou.117 His parentage is confirmed with his birthdate given as 1624 and no place given.91 His parentage is confirmed with the date given as 1625 and the place as Château-la-Vallière.126 91

MARRIAGE: The date and place of his marriage to Marie are confirmed.116 The place of his marriage to Marie is also given as Montréal.127 The date is confirmed with the place given as Montréal.91

CHILDREN: One source also shows an unnamed daughter born the same day as the first son Charles,116 but I can find no other evidence of this.

DEATH: Urbain's place of death is confirmed with no date given.117 His place of death is confirmed with the date given as Mar 1689.116

BURIAL: His date and place of burial are confirmed.116

MISC: His occupation is also given as woodcutter.117
Last Modified Mar 12, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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