Person Sheet

Name Edward III, King of England
Birth Date Nov 13, 131291,149
Birth Place Windsor, Berkshire, England
Birth Memo Windsor Castle
Death Date Jun 21, 137791,149
Death Place Shene, Surrey, England
Death Memo Shene Palace. Stroke.
Burial Place Westminster, London, England149
Burial Memo Westminster Abbey
Father Edward II, King of England (1284-1327)
Mother Isabella DE FRANCE (1292-1358)
1 Philippa OF HAINAULT
Birth Date Jun 24, 1311149
Birth Place Valenciennes, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Death Date Aug 14, 1369149
Death Place Windsor, Berkshire, England
Death Memo Windsor Castle, A dropsy-like illness.
Burial Place Westminster, London, England149
Burial Memo Westminster Abbey
Father William OF HAINAULT , Count of Hainault (ca1280-1337)
Mother Jeanne DE VALOIS (ca1294-1342)
Marriage Date Jan 24, 1327/2891,149
Marriage Place York, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Memo Yorkminster
Children Edward (1330-1376)
Lionel (1338-1368)
John (1340-1399)
Edmund (1341-1402)
Thomas (1355-1397)
Notes for Edward III, King of England
"Reigned 1327-1377. Edward assumed effective power in 1330 after imprisoning his mother and executing her lover Roger de Mortimer, who had murdered his father; thereafter his reign was dominated by military adventures. His victory in Scotland, especially at Haildon Hill 1333, encouraged him to plan (1363) the union of England and Scotland. Through his mother he claimed the French throne thus starting (1337) the Hundred Years War. His son John of Gaunt dominated the government during his last years."149
Last Modified Aug 28, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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