Person Sheet

Name Doda
Alias/AKA St. Begga149
Birth Date ? 149
Death Date 0693149
Death Place Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France
Father Pepin OF AUSTRASIA (?-0639)
Mother Itta
1 Anchises
Birth Date ? 149
Death Date 0629149
Death Memo while hunting
Father Arnold OF METZ (?-0641)
Children Pepin (?-0714)
Notes for Doda
"The Calendar of the Saints says after her husband was killed hunting she decided to make a pilgrimage to Rome. On returning home she founded seven churches at Ardenne of the Meuse. She also set up an abbey at the same place where she died. 17 Dec is her feast day."
Last Modified Mar 1, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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