Person Sheet

Name Abul-Kasim Muhammad BEN ABBAD AL-MU'TAMID , Emir of Seville
Birth Date ? 149
Death Date 1095149
Death Place Aghmat, Morocco
Father Abu Amr Abbad BEN MUHAMMAD AL-MU'TADID , Chamberlain of Seville (?-1068)
1 I'tamid
Birth Date ?
Death Date ?
Children Zaida (?-1107)
Notes for Abul-Kasim Muhammad BEN ABBAD AL-MU'TAMID , Emir of Seville
"al-Mu'tamid was a great and tragic figure. He was an excellent poet of love and a good statesman whom destiny had chosen to taste both the gaiety and bitterness of life. He is famous for his love poetry to his wife, a former slave girl whom he showered with love and precious gifts."149
Last Modified Apr 1, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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