Person Sheet

Name William H. McKAGUE
Occupation Physician6,99
Birth Date 18596,10,42,2
Death Date Dec 22, 18936,30,99,10,130
Death Place Frankford, Sidney Twp, Hastings Co. ON Canada
Death Memo pneumonia
Burial Place Baltimore, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada30,99,130
Burial Memo S.F. Depew. Masonic, home of S. Huycke.
Education Blezzard School. Probably Victoria College, Cobourg ON (M.D.). Postgraduate work in Edinburgh & London.6,30,99
Religion Methodist99
Father William McKAGUE (1812-1889)
Mother Elizabeth COYLE (1815-1906)
Notes for William H. McKAGUE
William graduated from medical school (probably Victoria College) in Cobourg ON about 1889.6 He was a doctor at Frankford ON for 6 or 7 years before his death.6,17

During an influenza epidemic shortly before his planned marriage, William was urged by his landlady not to go to a sick patient's home since he was so unwell himself. He insisted on going, contracted pneumonia and died after a week's illness.30

"Friday morning, December, 22nd, about 5 o'clock W H. McKague, M.D. C.M., L.R.C.P. London, breathed his last. LaGrippe was the beginning of the trouble. Pneumonia setting in, caused his death after less than a week's illness. Although the deceased has been amoung [sic] us but a short time, six or seven years he has gained the admiration of many, and has proved himself skilful in his professional work. He was buried under the auspects [sic] of Frank Lodge No. 127 A.F and A.M., of which he has been a member during his residence here. The funeral service was held at 10 a.m., on Saturday at Mr. S. Huycke's residence, being opened by the reading of the Masonic funeral ceremony, after which Rev. S.F. Depew, Methodist Minister, spoke words of comfort to his relatives and many friends. During his discourse every eye was filled with tears. The service was closed by the singing of the Doctor's favorte [sic] hymn, 'God be with you till we meet again,' after which his body was taken to the G.T.R. Station, Trenton, accompanied by his brethern [sic] and friends, whence it was taken [illegible handwritten interpolation, mentions Cobourg] by a number of his brethern [sic] of St. John's Lodge. From Cobourg his remains were taken to Baltimore cemetery which is about 6 miles from the town. Here his brethern [sic] were met by a number of his friends and it was no small task to keep the eyes dry when the mother beheld her son for the first time since his illness. The burial service over the many friends left for home lamenting over their loss.
"The Doctor has been organist in the Methodist Church, Frankford, for over three years. One year ago last October during the revival services held by Revs Taylor and Farnsworth, he forsook his worldly ways and made a start for the Kingdom, continuing faithful until his death.
"Besides the Masonic Order he was a member of 'The Forsters' [sic], [']The Chosen Friends', and 'The Home Circle'. He will be greatly missed by his many friends in Frankford and vicinity, especially those who had learned to confide in him in times of sickness."99

This obituary was accompanied by a poem:
"In Memoriam.

"Doctor rest! Thy work is o'er, / Sleep the sleep that knows no breaking; / Dream not of thy patients more, / Days of labor, nights of waking.

"In our trouble strickened town, / Tears of friends thy couch bedew; / Never, never will be found / One so greatly loved as you.

"Christian prayers shall reach thine ear, / Songs of praise and mournful knells. / Trump nor prayers can summon here, / Thee, who with thy Father dwells.

"Doctor! Doctor! thou hast left us, / All they toils and cares are o'er, / In heaven we hope at last to meet thee, / But on earth, alas! no more.

"Yes the Lord's shrill trump shall call / All his children to his side, / Still bright music from his throne, / Shall ever-more with thee abide.

"Ruder sounds shall not be heard, / Pains and aches are now unknown, / Since the good Lord's voice you heard, / Calling to his Eternal Throne.

"Doctor dear, to mortal man / Thou wast sent to be a friend. / Little thought we, so near at hand, / Thy earthly work should find an end.

"Thy death has caused sorrow great, / But still one joy, with us, remaineth / To know that at the heavenly gate, / Thou couldst give the Shibboleth.

""Yes, dear Dr., you have left us, / From this world of grief and pain. / This may all our life bereave us, / But our loss has been your gain.

"Yes, the Lord, He called you hither, / We have seen you leave our side; / But in heaven we'll meet each other / When we, too have crossed the tide.

"Our brother gone! Of course we feel / It is a sad and heavy stroke; / Why should we morn [sic]? our grief conceal, / Our brother's left the brightest hope.

"Now brothers, sisters, one and all, / To your brother's death lend an ear; / Make haste, be ready at God's call, / Before His Throne we must appear.

"Soon will our earthly course be run, / Our mortal frames they must decay; / Brothers and sisters, one by one / We'll fade like he and pass away.

"God knows best. He took him home / To share the joys of heaven there; / Bravely we'll fight till the victory's won / And meet our loved brother there.

Research Notes
BIRTH: His birthdate is also given as 1858.130

DEATH: His death date is also given simply as 1893.2
Last Modified Sep 29, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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