Person Sheet

Name Richard Kenneth HUGHART
Occupation Roman Catholic (convert)393
Birth Date Oct 5, 1924394
Birth Place Caldwell, Canyon Co. ID US
Birth Memo John S. Meyer, M.D. Not in hospital.
Death Date 2000393
Burial Place Camarillo, Ventura Co. CA US393
Burial Memo Conejo Memorial Cemetery
Father Earl Curtis HUGHART (ca1898-?)
Mother Lenna McKAGUE (1904-2001)
1 Lucille Gertrude GUSTIN
Birth Date 1931393
Birth Place Houlton, Aroostook Co. ME US
Death Date 1985393
Death Memo cancer
Burial Place Camarillo, Ventura Co. CA US393
Burial Memo Conejo Memorial Cemetery
Religion Roman Catholic393
Father Unknown GUSTIN
Mother Unknown SWEENEY
Marriage Date Nov 4, 1950393
Marriage Place Portland, Multnomah Co. OR US
Children Cynthia Marie
Susanne Kathleen
Jeffrey Richard
Brian Patrick
Notes for Richard Kenneth HUGHART
"I know that my dad went to church as a child, but I don't know which one. I also know that my ggggrandfather, Campbell Hughart was a Reverand in the United Brethren of Christ Church which I'm researching now. I also have read from other researchers that Hugharts and Shannons (another of my family names) were from Scotland--got rankled about something, either religion or politics I assume, then moved to Ulster, then to the US. Sounds like they were probably Protestants at that point, but I don't know for sure."393
Research Notes
NAME: His first name(s) is are also given as Richard.216

BIRTH: His parentage is confirmed with no birthdate or place given.216 His parentage, place and year of birth are confirmed.393

MARIAGE: The date of his marriage to Lucille is also given as Nov 5, 1950.393

MISC: There is a picture of Richard taken in Ontario, OR.393
Last Modified Aug 1, 2001 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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