Person Sheet

Name Marie Marguerite TRUDEL
Birth Date Sep 18, 1729109
Birth Place Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Sep 18, 1729109
Baptism Place Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Jullien. Also present were Jacques Picard (the child's grandfather) and Angelique Tullier, wife of Pierre Desautel.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Antoine TRUDEL (1699-?)
Mother Marie Marguerite HUPPE dit PICARD (1709-?)
1 Francois Xavier BAUDREAU dit GRAVELINE
Birth Date Dec 2, 1720109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Dec 3, 1720109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Rangeard. Also present were Francois Bleau and Marie Gervais.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Paul BAUDREAU dit GRAVELINE (1682-?)
Mother Marie TESSIER dite LAVIGNE (<1687-1750)
Marriage Date Aug 16, 1747109
Marriage Place Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo ? Normant (vicar general) granted a dispensation for relationship in the third degree. The spouses' parents consented to the marriage. Father Guillon. Also present were Paul Baudreau Gravelines (the groom's father, "capitaine de milice" [captain of militia]); Marie Tessier (the groom's mother); Antoine Trudel (the bride's father); Marie Marguerite Picard (the bride's mother); Urbain Baudreau (the groom's brother); Marguerite Baudreau, Louise Baudreau and Lucille Baudreau (the groom's sisters); Pierre Cybar; Louis Trudel and Antoine Trudel (the bride's brothers); Francois Picard, Joseph Picard, Jacques Picard and Nicolas Cavelier (the bride's uncles); Marie Madeleine Picard (the bride's aunt); Elisabeth Cuillier (the bride's great-aunt); Louis Dejean, Bernard Morier dit Lafantaisi, Francois Picard, Marie Catherine Picard, Marie Josephe Descary and Marie Anne Descary (the bride's cousins).
Children Marie Marguerite (1748-?)
Marie Josephe (Died as Child) (1750-1750)
Marie Anne (ca1751-?)
Marie Madeleine (Died as Child) (1752-1753)
Francois Xavier (1754-?)
Joseph (1756-?)
Toussaint (Died as Child) (1758-1759)
Laurent (1761-?)
Francois Dominique (1763-?)
Notes for Marie Marguerite TRUDEL
Research Notes
NAME: Her first name(s) is/are also given as Marguerite, and her last name as TRUDELLE.109
Last Modified Aug 19, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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