Person Sheet

Birth Date ca 1734109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean Francois PARIS dit LAMADELEINE (1705-1758)
Mother Marie Madeleine MARETTE dite LEPINE (<1707-1761)
1 Marie Louise CREVIER dite ST-JEAN dite BONIN
Birth Date Aug 24, 1732109
Birth Place St-Laurent Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Aug 24, 1732109
Baptism Place St-Laurent Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Ruffin. Also present were Jean Crevier dit St-Jean (the child's grandfather) and Jeanne Laval, widow of Julien Aubert dit Latouche.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jacques CREVIER dit ST-JEAN dit BONIN
Mother Marie Therese PRUDHOMME
Marriage Date Feb 4, 1754109
Marriage Place St-Sulpice Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Fathers Degeay and Kerberio provided certificates of publication of the banns in their respective parishes [L'Assomption and Berthier-en-Haut]. Father Beauzele. Also present were Francois Paris (the groom's father), Jacques Crevier (the bride's father), Charles Maret dit Richard, Joseph Prudhomme, Basile St-Jean, Jean Charon and Ignace Prudhomme.
Notes for Francois PARIS dit LAMADELEINE
He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marie Louise.109
Research Notes
NAME: His dit name is also given as LAMAGDELAINE.109

MARRIAGE: On Apr 21, 1753 at an undetermined place in PQ he executed a marriage contract before notary Cyr DEMONMERQUE with Marie Francoise PIETTE dite TREMPE, daughter of Jean Baptiste PIETTE dit TREMPE and Marie Francoise PELLETIER dite ANTAYA.109
Last Modified Dec 19, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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