Name |
Roberte GADOUA |
Birth Date |
bef Sep 15, 1628112,109 |
Birth Place |
Igé, Orne, Basse-Normandie, France |
Birth Memo |
St-Martin Parish. From date of baptism. |
Baptism Date |
Sep 15, 1628112,109 |
Baptism Place |
Igé, Orne, Basse-Normandie, France |
Baptism Memo |
St-Martin Parish |
Death Date |
bef Sep 14, 1716112,109 |
Death Place |
PQ Canada |
Death Memo |
from date of burial |
Burial Date |
Sep 14, 1716109 |
Burial Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
Father Priat. Also present were Francois Chaumaux and Gentien Rangeard ("prêtres" [priests]). |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Pierre GADOUA (ca1600-1667) |
Mother |
Louise MAUGER (ca1599-1690) |
Spouses |
1 |
Cesar LEGER |
Birth Date |
? 109 |
Birth Place |
Mornac (now Mornac-sur-Seudre), Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France |
Birth Memo |
St-Pierre Parish |
Death Date |
bef Nov 5, 1651112 |
Death Place |
Sillery Parish, PQ Canada |
Occupation |
"maître taillandier" [master toolmaker]109 |
Father |
Jean LEGER |
Mother |
Marriage Date |
May 22, 1644109 |
Marriage Place |
Québec Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
A dispensation from the third bann was granted by Father Vimont (superior of the mission). The marriage was celebrated in the chapel of St-Michel at Piseaux. Father Jacques Delaplace. Also present were ? Depiseaux, ? Jean ("armurier du fort de Québec" [armourer of the fort of Québec]), and Jean Delalande. |
Annulment Date |
Nov 30, 1650109 |
Annulment Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Annulment Memo |
Father Claude Pijart. |
2 |
Birth Date |
ca 1606109 |
Birth Place |
Pomponne, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France |
Birth Memo |
St-Pierre Parish |
Death Date |
bef Jul 2, 1671109 |
Death Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Death Memo |
from date of burial |
Burial Date |
Jul 2, 1671109 |
Burial Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
The priest did not sign. No witnesses are listed. |
Occupation |
"brasseur" [brewer], "habitant", "ancien marguillier" [senior churchwarden], "capitaine de milice" [captain of militia]109 |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Mother |
Isabelle ALIOMET |
Marriage Date |
Nov 30, 1650109 |
Marriage Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Claude Pijart (registry entry made by Father Simon Lemoine). Also present were Paul Dechomedey dit Demaisonneufve ("gouverneur" [governor]), Nicolas Godde and Charles Dailboust. |
3 |
Birth Date |
ca 1636109 |
Birth Place |
St-Rémy-la-Varenne, Maine-et-Loire, Pays-de-la-Loire, France |
Death Date |
bef Oct 30, 1704112,109 |
Death Memo |
from burial date |
Burial Date |
Oct 30, 1704109 |
Burial Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
Father Priat. Also present were Michel Barthelemy and Henri Meriel ("prêtres du séminaire" [priests of the seminary]). |
Occupation |
"maître charpentier" [master carpenter], "habitant"109 |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Charles VERRIER |
Mother |
Marriage Date |
Jan 21, 1673109 |
Marriage Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Gilles Perot. Also present were Pierre Gadois (the bride's brother), Jean Gadois (the bride's brother), Francois Prudhomme (the bride's son), Jean Martinet (the bride's stepson "maître chirurgien" [master surgeon]), Jean Gervaise ("substitut du procureur fiscal" [?acting tax collector]), Louis Lechevalier ("syndic" [receiver]), and Francois Herve. |
Notes for Roberte GADOUA |
She was unable to sign at her marriage to Pierre.109 |
Research Notes |
NAME: Her last name is also given as GADOIS109 112 and as GADOYS.109
MARRIAGE: Her marriage contract with Cesar was executed at an unknown place in PQ on Aug 17, 1647 before notary Claude Lecoustre. Her marriage contract with Louis was executed at an unknown place in PQ on Oct 22, 1650 before notary Desaintpere.109 The date and place of her marriages to Cesar, to Louis and to Pierre are confirmed.112
BURIAL: Her date and place of burial are confirmed.112 |