Person Sheet

Name Nicolas GERVAIS
Occupation "ancien capitaine de milice" [senior captain of the militia]109
Birth Date bef May 11, 1666112,109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date May 11, 1666109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo The priest did not sign. Also present were Nicolas Demouchy ("greffier" [clerk of the court]) and Catherine Gauchet.
Death Date Apr 7, 1750109
Death Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Date Apr 9, 1750109
Burial Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Buried in the parish church under the pulpit in the middle of the aisle. Father Page. Also present were Julien Gilbert and Antoine Cirier.
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean GERVAIS (1616-<1690)
Mother Anne ARCHAMBAULT (ca1632-1699)
1 Marie Madeleine PAYET dite ST-AMOUR
Birth Date bef Mar 8, 1677109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date Mar 8, 1677109
Baptism Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Francois Seguenot. Also present were Toussaint Baudry and Charlotte Chauvine, wife of Jean Baudouin.
Death Date bef May 22, 1747109
Death Place PQ Canada
Death Memo from date of burial
Burial Date May 22, 1747109
Burial Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Marchand. Also present were Nicolas Gervais [apparently not her husband] and Jacques Huet.
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Pierre PAYET dit ST-AMOUR (ca1641-<1719)
Mother Marie Louise TESSIER dite LAVIGNE (1657-<1727)
Marriage Date Jul 27, 1693109
Marriage Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo M. Monpelier (the grand vicar) granted a dispensation for relationship in the second degree and a half, and a dispensation from two banns. Father Seguenot. Also present were Louis Gervaise, Charles Gervaise, Laurent Archambau (Sr.), Philippe Peyet, Guillaume Peyet, Marguerite Peyet, ? Desari, and Pierre Janot.
Children Nicolas (Twin, Died as Child) (<1694-<1694)
Jean (Twin, Died as Child) (<1694-<1694)
Nicolas (1695-?)
Marie Madeleine (1696-?)
Urbain (Died as Child) (1699-<1714)
Genevieve (1701-?)
Nicolas (1702-?)
Pierre (<1704-?)
Marie Catherine (<1706-<1730)
Agathe (1707-1728)
Joseph (Died as Child) (1709-<1709)
Joseph (Died as Child) (1710-1710)
Anne Charlotte (Died as Child) (1711-<1711)
Joseph (1712-?)
Marie Anne (1714-?)
Jean Baptiste (1715-?)
Marie Anne (Died as Child) (1717-<1717)
Marie Catherine Charlotte (1719-?)
Notes for Nicolas GERVAIS
Nicolas and Marie Madeleine are first cousins once removed.
Research Notes
NAME: His first name is also given as Nicholas,112 and his last name as GERVAISE112 109 49 and as GERVAIZE.109 112

BAPTISM: His date and place of baptism are confirmed.112

MARRIAGE: The date of his marriage to Marie Madeleine is also given as 1693 in Montréal Parish.49
Last Modified Mar 6, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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