Name |
Birth Date |
Oct 23, 1682109 |
Birth Place |
Champlain Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
Oct 25, 1682109 |
Baptism Place |
Champlain Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Francois Dupre. Also present were Antoine Desroziers, son of Antoine Desroziers, and Francoise Dandonneau, wife of ? Dandonneau. |
Death Date |
bef Apr 3, 1719109 |
Death Place |
PQ Canada |
Death Memo |
from date of burial |
Burial Date |
Apr 3, 1719109 |
Burial Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
Father Rangeard. Also present were Francois Cheze ("prêtre" [priest]) and Jean Baptiste Quenvil. |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Jean Baptiste DESROSIERS dit DUTREMBLE (1657-1704) |
Mother |
Francoise Marie Perrine DANDONNEAU dite LAJEUNESSE (1665-1711) |
Spouses |
1 |
Marie Barbe BOUSQUET |
Birth Date |
bef Feb 7, 1684109 |
Birth Place |
PQ Canada |
Birth Memo |
from date of baptism |
Baptism Date |
Feb 7, 1684109 |
Baptism Place |
Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Seguenot. Also present were Andre Trajau and Barbe Barbier, wife of Toussaint Baudry. |
Death Date |
? |
Father |
Jean Baptiste BOUSQUET |
Mother |
Catherine FOURIER |
Marriage Date |
Nov 17, 1709109 |
Marriage Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Priat. Also present were Pierre Trotier dit Desauniers ("marchand, bourgeois" [merchant, bourgeois]), Jean Baptiste Deguire dit Larose, Jean Bousquet, Pierre Lembege ("maçon" [mason/bricklayer]), Francois Fafar (the groom's cousin) and Charles Fafar (the groom's cousin). |
Notes for Jean Baptiste DESROSIERS dit DUTREMBLE |
He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marie Barbe.109 |
Research Notes |
NAME: His first name(s) is/are also given as Jean, and his last name as DEROSIER, as DESROZIERS, and as DEROSIE, and his dit name as TREMBLES and as DUTRAMBLE.109 |