Person Sheet

Name Marie Francoise DUFRESNE
Birth Date Mar 12, 1726109
Birth Place Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Mar 12, 1726109
Baptism Place Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Louis Delafaye. Also present were Philippe Previl and Marie Francoise Janot.
Death Date bef Jan 19, 1748109
Death Place PQ Canada
Death Memo from date of burial
Burial Date Jan 19, 1748109
Burial Place L'Assomption Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Degeay. Also present were Jean Martel (her husband), Jean Baptiste Dufrene and Blaise Juillet.
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean Baptiste DUFRESNE (1696-1750)
Mother Marie Catherine ARCHAMBAULT (1701-?)
Birth Date Mar 1, 1717109
Birth Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Mar 2, 1717109
Baptism Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Saladin. Also present were Jean Charbonno and Rose Verono and her husband, Jacques Gautier.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Joseph Alphonse MARTEL dit LAMONTAGNE (1672-1741)
Mother Marguerite METIVIER dite GRENIER dite GRONIER (1680-1748)
Marriage Date Jan 30, 1747109
Marriage Place Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Degeay provided a certificate of publication of the banns [in L'Assomption Parish]. Father Guillon. Also present were Marguerite Grosnier (the groom's mother), Jean Baptiste Dufresne (the bride's father), Marie Catherine Archambault (the bride's mother), Claude Martel (the groom's brother), Pierre Duclos, Pierre Langlois, Joseph Langlois, Blaise Dufresne (the bride's brother), Joseph Dufresne (the bride's brother), Antoine Dufresne (the bride's brother), Marie Catherine Dufresne (the bride's sister), Judith Dufresne (the bride's sister), Nicolas Lapointe (the bride's brother-in-law or stepbrother), Jacques Pepin (the bride's uncle), Jacques Lachappelle (the bride's uncle), Jean Archambault (the bride's uncle), Marie Louise Forant (the bride's aunt), Elisabeth Pepin (the bride's aunt), Jacques Lachappelle (the bride's first cousin), Marie Lachappelle (the bride's first cousin), Agathe Lachappelle (the bride's first cousin), and Urbain Graveline.
Children Jean Marie (1748-?)
Notes for Marie Francoise DUFRESNE
Research Notes
NAME: Her last name is also given as DUFRENE.109
Last Modified Jun 23, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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