Person Sheet

Name Jean Baptiste DEGUIRE dit LAROSE
Occupation "maître maçon" [master mason/bricklayer]109
Birth Date May 2, 1687109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Baptism Date May 3, 1687109
Baptism Place St-Ours Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Sennemaud. Also present were Jean Bouvet and Anne Blancvilaine.
Death Date Dec 31, 1755109
Death Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Date Jan 2, 1756109
Burial Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Pages. Also present was Andre Poutret.
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Francois DEGUIRE dit LAROSE (ca1641-1699)
Mother Marie Rose COLIN (ca1642-1722)
1 Marie Madeleine COITEUX
Birth Date bef Feb 14, 1692109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date Feb 14, 1692109
Baptism Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Seguenot. Also present were Robert Demers (Jr.) and Madeleine St-Amour.
Death Date bef Jan 23, 1723109
Death Place PQ Canada
Death Memo from date of burial
Burial Date Jan 23, 1723109
Burial Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Priat. Also present were Francois Chaumaux and jean Gabriel Dulescoat ("prêtres" [priests]).
Father Jacques COITEUX
Mother Barbe DEMERS dite DUMAIS
Marriage Date Jul 27, 1710109
Marriage Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Roche. Also present were Jean Deguir (the groom's brother), Pierre Deguir, Marie Madeleine Deguir, Jean Boyer, Marie Josephe Deguir, Jacques Coiteux, Baptiste Coiteux, Barbe Coiteux and Jean Baptiste Hogue.
Children Jean Baptiste (Died as Child) (1711-<1714)
Louis (1713-<1755)
Jean Baptiste (1715-?)
Marie Angelique (Died as Child) (1717-<1717)
Nicolas (1718-?)
Marie Marguerite Madeleine (Died as Child) (1720-1720)
Pierre (1721-?)
2 Cunegonde Anne Marie PICARD
Birth Date Aug 2, 1698109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Aug 2, 1698109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Provisionally baptized at home by the midwife, Mme Gervais (the child's grandmother). Father R.C. Debreslay. Also present were Jean Baptiste Lefebvre and Anne Antoinette Deriercour.
Death Date Nov 30, 1727109
Death Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Date Dec 1, 1727109
Burial Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Deat. Also present was ? Cheze ("prêtre" [priest]).
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jacques PICARD (<1672-1735)
Mother Marie Anne LEFEBVRE dite ST-JEAN (1681-1733)
Marriage Date Feb 14, 1724109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Priat. Also present were Jacques Picart (the bride's father), Francois Deguire (the groom's brother), Jean Baptiste Valade (the groom's brother-in-law or stepbrother), and Louis Julliet.
Children Jacques (Died as Child) (1726-<1726)
Jacques (Died as Child) (1727-1727)
3 Michelle DENEAU dite DETAILLY
Birth Date bef May 4, 1693109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date May 4, 1693109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Etienne Guyotte. Also present were Claude Caron ("habitant") and Michelle Cusson, wife of ? Adhemar dit Desaintmartin ("greffier" [clerk]).
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Joseph DENEAU dit DETAILLY
Mother Marie Jeanne ADHEMAR dite ST-MARTIN (ca1674-?)
Marriage Date Apr 8, 1728109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo A dispensation was granted for two banns. Father J.G. Dulescoat. Also present were Joseph Deneau (the bride's father), Jean Baptiste Adhemar ("notaire" [notary]), Jean Maurice Valade, and Jacques Tessier.
Children Marie Catherine (Died as Child) (<1728-<1729)
Charles (1730-1762)
Jacques (Died as Child) (1731-<1731)
Guillaume (Died as Child) (1733-<1733)
Marie Rose (Died as Child) (1737-1737)
Notes for Jean Baptiste DEGUIRE dit LAROSE
He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marie Madeleine, to Cunegonde, or to Michelle.109
Research Notes
NAME: His last name is also given as DEGUIR, as DEGUYR, as DEGUYON, and as DEGUIRRE, and his dit name as LAROZE.109

BIRTH: His parentage and date of birth are confirmed with the place given as St-Ours Parish.49

BAPTISM: The baptism is registered in Contrecoeur Parish, but with a note indicating it took place in St-Ours.109

MARRIAGE: The date of his marriage to Marie Madeleine is confirmed with no place given.49

DEATH: The date of death is incomplete, being hidden by a blot. It reads: "le tren... du mois de décembre".109
Last Modified Oct 9, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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