Person Sheet

Name Agathe BEAUDRY
Birth Date Jul 20, 1728109
Birth Place L'Assomption Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Jul 20, 1728109
Baptism Place L'Assomption Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Provisionally baptized at home by Pierre Baudri. Father P. Lesueur. Also present were Rene Goulait and Agathe Pinguet, wife of Pierre Baudri.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Toussaint BEAUDRY (1699-1750)
Mother Marie Anne LORION (1700-?)
Birth Date Jun 12, 1720109
Birth Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Jun 12, 1720109
Baptism Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Charles Delagoudalie. Also present were Jacques Lefebvre and Jeanne Lefebvre.
Death Date ?
Father Jean ARCHAMBAULT (<1683-<1732)
Mother Cecile LEFEBVRE dite ST-JEAN (<1688-1759)
Marriage Date Jan 29, 1748109
Marriage Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Henri Marie Depontbriand (bishop of Québec) granted a dispensation for the second and third degrees of relationship. Father Paget. Also present were Toussaint Baudry (the bride's father), Jacques Baudry (the bride's uncle), Jean Loisel (the groom's uncle), Jean Louis Dufort, Louis Archambault (the groom's brother), Gervais Archambault (the groom's brother), and Jacques Chalifou.
Children Toussaint (Died as Child) (1748-1749)
Joseph (1750-?)
Toussaint (Died as Child) (1751-1752)
Marie Agathe (1753-?)
Jean Baptiste (1755-?)
Jean Louis (1756-?)
Cecile (1758-?)
Marie Catherine (Died as Child) (1759-1760)
Jean Baptiste (1761-?)
Marie Louise (1764-?)
Notes for Agathe BEAUDRY
She was unable to sign at her marriage to Joseph.109
Research Notes
NAME: Her last name is also given as BAUDRI and as BAUDRY.109

BAPTISM: The entry also shows as present Pierre BAUDRI,109 but this probably refers to his presence at the provisional baptism.
Last Modified Jul 10, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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