Person Sheet

Name Marie Madeleine LEFEBVRE dite ST-JEAN
Birth Date May 25, 1705109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date May 25, 1705109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Priat. Also present were Jean Baptiste Lefebvre and Suzanne Leduc, wife of Paul Desroches.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Geoffroy LEFEBVRE dit ST-JEAN (<1677-?)
Mother Marie Madeleine MICHAUD dite MICHEL (ca1680-1745)
1 Charles VIGER
Birth Date bef Oct 4, 1696109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date Oct 4, 1696109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father L. Chaigneau. Also present were Moise Hylaret and Marie Guertin.
Death Date ?
Occupation "charpentier" [carpenter], "maître charpentier du roi" [king's master carpenter], "constucteur des bateaux du roi" [king's shipbuilder]109
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Charles VIGER
Mother Francoise Marie GUERTIN
Marriage Date Nov 22, 1723109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Priat. Also present were Charles Vige (the groom's father, "charpentier du roi" [king's carpenter]), Geoffroy Lefebvre (the bride's father), Charles Lefebvre (the bride's uncle), Jacques Picart (the bride's uncle) and Louis Gervaise (the bride's uncle).
Children Marie Madeleine (1724-?)
Charles (Died as Child) (1726-1733)
Marie Josephe (1727-?)
Amable Marie (Died as Child) (1729-<1729)
Marie Anne (1730-?)
Marie Amable Catherine (Died as Child) (1732-<1732)
Jean Baptiste (Died as Child) (1733-1733)
Charles (1734-?)
Marie Louise (Died as Child) (1736-<1736)
Unnamed (Died as Child) (1737-<1737)
Marie Louise (1737-?)
Marie Francoise (1739-?)
Marie Felicite (1743-?)
Francois (Died as Child) (1745-1745)
Marie Catherine (Died as Child) (1746-1746)
Marie Hippolyte (Died as Child) (1747-1755)
Notes for Marie Madeleine LEFEBVRE dite ST-JEAN
Research Notes
NAME: Her first name(s) is/are also given as Madeleine, and her last name as LEFEVRE, as LEFEUVRE, and as FAVRE.109
Last Modified Aug 13, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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