Person Sheet

Name Marie Marguerite CUSSON
Birth Date Jan 9, 1705109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Baptism Date Jan 9, 1705109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Priat officiated; Father Roche made the register entry. Also present were Jacques Archambault and Marie Aubuchon.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean CUSSON
Mother Marguerite AUBUCHON dite LESPERANCE (1673-1741)
1 Francois HUPPE dit PICARD
Birth Date Dec 3, 1702109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Dec 4, 1702109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Priat. Also present were Geoffroy Lefevre, son of Jean Lefevre and Cunegonde Gervais, and Marguerite Menard, daughter of Baptiste Menard and Marguerite Estienne.
Death Date Apr 4, 1762109
Death Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Date Apr 4, 1762109
Burial Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Vallieres. Also present were ? Curatteau and ? Pertuis ("prêtres" [priests]).
Occupation "maître tailleur" [master tailor]109
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jacques PICARD (<1672-1735)
Mother Marie Anne LEFEBVRE dite ST-JEAN (1681-1733)
Marriage Date Nov 24, 1727109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father J.G. Dulescoat. Also present were Jacques Piccard (the groom's father), Jean Baptiste Piccard (the groom's brother), Louis Piccard, Joseph Piccard, Cecile Piccard (the groom's sister), Marguerite Piccard (the groom's sister), Jacques Cusson (the bride's brother), Jean Cusson (the bride's brother), Marie Madeleine Rolland and Francois Campau.
Children Francois (1728-1747)
Catherine Marguerite (1730-?)
Marie Josephe (Died as Child) (1733-1739)
Charles Toussaint (1735-1765)
Marie Marguerite (Died as Child) (1736-<1736)
Marie Marguerite (Twin, Died as Child) (1737-<1741)
Marie Josephe Amable (Twin, Died as Child) (1737-1737)
Marie Anne (1738-?)
Charles (1740-?)
Hippolyte Antoine (Died as Child) (1741-1742)
Joseph (Died as Child) (1742-<1742)
Marie Marguerite (Twin, Died as Child) (1743-<1748)
Marie Hippolyte (Twin, Died as Child) (1743-<1744)
Marie Agathe (Died as Child) (1745-<1748)
Marie Elisabeth (Died as Child) (1746-1748)
Louis (1747-?)
Notes for Marie Marguerite CUSSON
Research Notes
NAME: Her first name(s) is/are also given as Marguerite.109

BIRTH/BAPTISM: It's unclear whether she was born and/or baptized in Montréal Parish or Pointe-aux-Trembles parish. Her parents' residence was Montréal, but the register entry was made by the curé of Pointe-aux-Trembles, and the baptism is registered in both parishes.109
Last Modified Aug 17, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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