Person Sheet

Name Henri Pierre MARTINET dit BONAMI
Occupation "sergent" [sergeant]109
Birth Date Jul 9, 1716109
Birth Place Versailles, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France
Birth Memo Notre-Dame Parish
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Pierre MARTINET
Mother Marie Josephe TAVERNIER
1 Marie Josephe DECARY dite LEHOUX
Birth Date Jul 8, 1726109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Jul 9, 1726109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father J.G. Dulescoat. Also present were Jean Baptiste Deguire dit Laroze ("maître maçon" [master bricklayer/mason]) and Marguerite Picard.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Louis DECARY dit LEHOUX (1696-1754)
Mother Marie Madeleine PICARD (1704-?)
Marriage Date Feb 6, 1758109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Etienne Montgolfier (grand vicar) granted a dispensation from two banns. Father Jollivet (by delegation of Father Antoine Deat). Also present were Pierre Chaussefoin, Guillaume Guerin (the bride's brother-in-law or stepbrother), Ursin Chavaudreuil, and Jean Francois Giraudeau.
Children Pierre Louis (1759-?)
Marie Josephe Anne (Died as Child) (1761-1762)
Francois (Died as Child) (1763-1763)
Louis (1764-?)
Notes for Henri Pierre MARTINET dit BONAMI
He is described as "sergent des troupes de la marine" [sergeant of the navy troops] and as "sergent de la compagnie de Villiers" [sergeant of the company of Villiers].109
Research Notes
NAME: His first name(s) is/are also given as Henri and as Pierre Henri, and his dit name as BONAMY.109
Last Modified Mar 14, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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