Person Sheet

Name Charles LEFEBVRE dit ST-JEAN
Occupation "forgeron" [blacksmith], "taillandier" [toolmaker]109
Birth Date bef Nov 17, 1717109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date Nov 17, 1717109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo The priest is not named. Also present were Nicolas Gaudri and Cunegonde Gervais.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Charles LEFEBVRE dit ST-JEAN (<1692-1753)
Mother Marie Francoise GAUDRY dite BOURBONNIERE (1697-?)
1 Marie Madeleine TRUDEAU
Birth Date Apr 27, 1721109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Apr 28, 1721109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Rangeard. Also present were Francois Arnault and Marguerite Paran.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean Baptiste TRUDEAU (<1680-?)
Mother Marie Madeleine PARENT (1692-?)
Marriage Date Apr 9, 1742109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo The three banns were published. Father Deat. Also present were Charles Lefevre (the groom's father), Jean Baptiste Trutau (the bride's father), Geoffroy Lefevre (the groom's uncle), and Bertrand Trutau (the bride's uncle).
Children Charles (Died as Child) (1743-<1743)
Marie Madeleine (Died as Child) (1745-1745)
Marie Angelique Francoise (Died as Child) (1746-<1746)
Joseph (Died as Child) (1747-<1747)
Marie Angelique (1749-?)
Jean Francois (1750-?)
Charles Basile (Died as Child) (1753-1754)
Unnamed (Died as Child) (1755-1755)
Charles Bertrand (Died as Child) (1757-1758)
Charles Baptiste (Died as Child) (1759-1759)
Marie Madeleine (1761-?)
Notes for Charles LEFEBVRE dit ST-JEAN
He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marie Madeleine.109
Research Notes
NAME: His last name is also given as LEFEVRE and as LEFAYVRE.109
Last Modified Aug 25, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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