Person Sheet

Name Marie Louise CREVIER dite ST-JEAN dite BONIN
Birth Date Aug 24, 1732109
Birth Place St-Laurent Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Aug 24, 1732109
Baptism Place St-Laurent Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Ruffin. Also present were Jean Crevier dit St-Jean (the child's grandfather) and Jeanne Laval, widow of Julien Aubert dit Latouche.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jacques CREVIER dit ST-JEAN dit BONIN
Mother Marie Therese PRUDHOMME
Birth Date ca 1734109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean Francois PARIS dit LAMADELEINE (1705-1758)
Mother Marie Madeleine MARETTE dite LEPINE (<1707-1761)
Marriage Date Feb 4, 1754109
Marriage Place St-Sulpice Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Fathers Degeay and Kerberio provided certificates of publication of the banns in their respective parishes [L'Assomption and Berthier-en-Haut]. Father Beauzele. Also present were Francois Paris (the groom's father), Jacques Crevier (the bride's father), Charles Maret dit Richard, Joseph Prudhomme, Basile St-Jean, Jean Charon and Ignace Prudhomme.
Notes for Marie Louise CREVIER dite ST-JEAN dite BONIN
She was unable to sign at her marriage to Francois.109
Last Modified Dec 19, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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