Name |
Marguerite Marie BABY dite DUPERRON |
Birth Date |
Dec 9, 1708109 |
Birth Place |
PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
Dec 12, 1708109 |
Baptism Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Jean Loyard. Also present were ? Chedeville (the child's paternal uncle) and Marguerite Hertel (the child's grandmother). |
Death Date |
? |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Pierre BABY dit DUPERRON |
Mother |
Spouses |
Marriage Date |
Jun 7, 1743109 |
Marriage Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Jean Baptiste Dugast. Also present were Jean Baptiste Labonte (the groom's father), Pierre Babie dit Duperon (the bride's father, "co-seigneur de St-François" [co-seigneur of St-François]), Claude Pinard ("capitaine" [captain]), and Jean Baptiste Joutra dit Desrosiers ("seigneur"). |
2 |
Birth Date |
Aug 31, 1726109 |
Birth Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
Sep 1, 1726109 |
Baptism Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Jean Baptiste Dugast. Also present were Gilles Laplante and Francoise Desrosiers. |
Death Date |
bef Sep 12, 1755109 |
Death Place |
PQ Canada |
Death Memo |
from date of burial |
Burial Date |
Sep 12, 1755109 |
Burial Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
Father Jean Baptiste Dugast. Also present were Antoine Joiel and Noel Traversy (Alexis's father). |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Noel LANGLOIS dit TRAVERSY (1692-?) |
Mother |
Marie Francoise NIQUETTE dite MONTY |
Marriage Date |
Feb 25, 1754109 |
Marriage Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
? Denormand (grand vicar) granted a dispensation from the third bann. Father Jean Baptiste Dugast. Also present were Abraham Desmarets ("major des milices" [adjutant in the militia]), Jean Baptiste St-Francois and Francois Jeannelle. |
Marriage Date |
Oct 16, 1757109 |
Marriage Place |
St-François-du-Lac Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Jean Baptiste Dugast. Also present were Pierre Leroux, Charles St-Francois and Francois Jannelle. |
Notes for Marguerite Marie BABY dite DUPERRON |
- |
Research Notes |
NAME: Her first name(s) is/are also given as Marguerite and as Marie Anne Antoinette, and her dit name as DUPERON.109 |