Person Sheet

Name Elizabeth Connor RICHARDS
Alias/AKA Betsy51
Birth Date Nov 179551
Birth Place Amherst Island Twp, Lennox & Addington Cos. ON Canada
Baptism Date Jan 31, 179651
Baptism Place Amherst Island Twp, Lennox & Addington Cos. ON Canada
Baptism Memo Rev. John Langhorn
Death Date Mar 17, 187751
Death Place Sidney Twp, Hastings Co. ON Canada
Burial Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada51
Burial Memo Carrying Place Cemetery
Father John R. RICHARDS (ca1763-1860)
Mother Jane HOWARD (ca1772-1812)
Birth Date 178751
Birth Place Trenton, Sidney Twp, Hastings Co. ON Canada
Death Date Nov 25, 1874122
Death Place Sidney Twp, Hastings Co. ON Canada
Death Memo 87 years. Old age. Informant Elizabeth Bleecker of Trenton.
Burial Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada51
Burial Memo Carrying Place Cemetery
Occupation Gentleman122
Father John BLEECKER (?-1807)
Mother Catherine MEYERS
Marriage Date Jun 8, 1812105
Marriage Place Ernestown, Ernestown Twp, Lennox & Addington Cos. ON Canada
Children Anna (1824-1871)
Jane (?-1839)
John R.
Henry (1826-1873)
William (1823-?)
Thomas Howard (1833-1920)
Susannah (1819-1909)
Notes for Elizabeth Connor RICHARDS
From Pioneer Life in the Bay of Quinte:
"Elizabeth Richards was only 15 when she was married to John Bleecker (jr) at Bath (Ernestown). Directly after the ceremony they started in a canoe for Trenton. Camping overnight on Captain John's Island they reached home the following day. Three months later the young bride had occasion to go to Bath to visit her parents. She went alone and on horseback, fording every stream between Trenton and Bath, with the exception of the Trent and the Moira over which she was ferried. She followed the Bay and found her way through long stretches of tangled forest."123

From The Hennessys of The Bay of Quinte by Peter Hennessy:
"Elizabeth Ritchie, Anna Bleecker's mother, has been described as a brave, resourceful and strong woman (see book Hans Waltimeyer by Jane Bennett-Goddard). Though there are records pertaining to John R. Bleecker Jr. and Elizabeth in the archives of St. Thomas Anglican Church, Belleville, there is no record of Anna's birth or baptism. Not unusual."52

From Hans Waltimeyer:
"After her marriage to John R. Bleecker, son of Squire Bleecker, Elizabeth Ritchie, upon the occasion of returning home for a visit, has completed the entire journey upon horseback alone, fording streams, and travelling through the forest on her own, a great feat for a woman. She returns to Port Trent quite safely, but she is intrepid, as are most pioneer women of her day and the perils of travel hold no fear for her. Her husband has had occasion to travel to York this year, as his name will be recorded on a document there. (NB - this info is found in the book The Settlement of Upper Canada by Canniff and refers to Elizabeth Ritchie's journey to Bath.)"124
Research Notes
NAME: Her last name is also given as RITCHIE.125 126

BAPTISM: Elizabeth's date of baptism is also given as Feb 1796.105
Last Modified Aug 8, 2000 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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