Name |
Marie Anne PARENT |
Birth Date |
May 22, 1702112,109 |
Birth Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
May 22, 1702109 |
Baptism Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father R.C. Debreslay. Also present were Jean Lemaitre dit Delalongee ("marchand" [merchant]) and Marie Anne Legras, wife of Charles Delaunay ("marchand" [merchant]). |
Death Date |
Aug 8, 1708112,109 |
Death Place |
Laprairie Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Date |
Aug 8, 1708109 |
Burial Place |
Laprairie Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
Father Gaschier. Also present were Louis Dupuis and Pierre Brion. |
Father |
Joseph PARENT (1669-1751) |
Mother |
Marie Madeleine MARETTE dite LEPINE (ca1670-1747) |