Person Sheet

Name Toussaint BEAUDRY
Occupation "domestique, engagé" [servant, ?], "serviteur" [servant], "couvreur" [roofer], "habitant", "marguillier" [churchwarden]109
Birth Date ca 1641109
Birth Place Velluire, Fontenay-le-Comté, Vendée, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
Birth Memo St-Jean Parish
Baptism Date 1641112,109
Baptism Place Velluire, Fontenay-le-Comté, Vendée, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
Baptism Memo St-Jean Parish
Death Date Aug 9, 1695112,49
Death Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Father Louis BEAUDRY (1614-1664)
Mother Vincente GAUDET (ca1620-1664)
Birth Date Jan 9, 1654109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Baptism Date Jan 15, 1654109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Claude Pijart. Also present were Paul Dechomeday and Mathurine Gode.
Death Date bef Jan 24, 1694112,109
Death Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Death Memo presumably in childbirth, given the dates
Burial Date Jan 24, 1694109
Burial Place Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Buried between Master Minime and the daughter of Pierre Hunau. Father Seguenot. No witnesses are listed.
Father Gilbert BARBIER dit MINIME (ca1619-<1693)
Mother Catherine LAVAU dite LAMINIME (ca1620-<1688)
Marriage Date Nov 24, 1670109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Gilles Perot. Also present were Jean Gervaise ("marchand" [merchant]), Francois Baily ("sergent de la seigneurie" [sergeant of the seigneury]), Jean Bosquet ("maîre armurier" [master armourer]), Etienne Truteau (the bride's brother-in-law or stepbrother, "maître charpentier" [master carpenter]), Jacques Lemoyne ("garde-magasin du roi" [king's quartermaster]), Mathurin Rouillier, Robert Perrois and Pierre Pierotin.
Children Toussaint (1672-1744)
Louis (<1674-<1743)
Marie Barbe (<1676-1744)
Catherine (1678-<1735)
Marie (1680-?)
Jeanne Genevieve (<1683-1736)
Jean Baptiste (<1686-1761)
Jacques (<1688-?)
Marguerite (<1691-?)
Simon (Died as Child) (<1694-<1694)
Notes for Toussaint BEAUDRY
He was unable to sign at his marraige to Barbe.109

He appears on a list of migrants from La Rochelle dated 1664.109

He appears in the 1666 census of Montréal on a list of servants engaged by ? LAGRANGE as follows:
Toussaint BAUDRY, 25, "domestique, engagé" [servant, ?].109

He appears in the 1667 census of Montréal in the household [or hospital?] of Jeanne MANCE ("administratrice" [administratrix]) as follows:
Toussaint BAUDRY, 25, "serviteur" [servant].109

This family appears in the 1681 census of Montréal as follows:
Toussaint BAUDRY, 40, "couvreur, habitant", Barbe BARBIER, 27, Toussaint, 10, Louis, 8, Barbe, 6, Catherine, 3, Marie, 1.109
Research Notes
NAME: His last name is also given as BAUDRY109 112 and as BAUDRI.109

BIRTH: His parentage is confirmed with his date of birth given as bef 1641 with no place given.112 His parentage and birthdate are confirmed with the place given as St-Jean Veller Parish, La Rochelle.49

MARRIAGE: The date of his marriage to Barbe is confirmed with the place given as Ile-de-Montréal.112 The date and place of the marriage are confirmed.49
Last Modified Mar 25, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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