Person Sheet

Name Euphrasie Marie SICOT dite LALIBERTE
Birth Date Sep 15, 1731109
Birth Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Sep 15, 1731109
Baptism Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Letessier. Also present were Jean Chicot (the child's grandfather) and Catherine Larrive (the child's grandmother).
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Joseph SICOT dit LALIBERTE (1704-?)
Mother Angelique RICHARD dite LAFLEUR (1711-?)
Birth Date Aug 1, 1722109
Birth Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Aug 2, 1722109
Baptism Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Saladin. Also present were Jean Louis Bougret, Francoise Bau (the child's aunt), and Louis ? ("frère, maître d'école" [friar, schoolmaster]).
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Mother Marie LALOUETTE dite LEBEAU
Marriage Date May 3, 1751109
Marriage Place Boucherville Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Marchand. Also present were Joseph Chicot (the bride's father), Jacques Lebau (the groom's uncle), Francois Lebau and Francois Chicot.
Children Marie Euphrasie (1752-?)
Joseph (1754-?)
Francois (Died as Child) (1755-<1756)
Catherine (1756-?)
Jean Marie (1757-?)
Jean Marie (Died as Child) (1759-<1759)
Marie Madeleine (1760-?)
Jacques (1761-?)
Apolline (1763-?)
Rene (1765-?)
Notes for Euphrasie Marie SICOT dite LALIBERTE
Research Notes
NAME: Her first name(s) is/are also given as Euphrasie and as Marie Euphrasie, and her last name as CHICOT and as CICOT.109
Last Modified May 5, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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