Name |
Antoine LACASSE |
Birth Date |
May 15, 1707109 |
Birth Place |
Beaumont Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
May 15, 1707109 |
Baptism Place |
Beaumont Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Plante. Also present were Antoine Casse (the child's grandfather) and Jeanne Civadier. |
Death Date |
? |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Charles LACASSE |
Mother |
Marie Francoise PAQUET dite VALLEE |
Spouses |
1 |
Marie Angelique ARCHAMBAULT |
Birth Date |
Aug 15, 1711109 |
Birth Place |
Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
Aug 16, 1711109 |
Baptism Place |
Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Roche. Also present were ? Puibarrau ("chirurgien" [surgeon]) and Angelique Lesperance. |
Death Date |
Mar 11, 1737109 |
Death Place |
Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Date |
Mar 13, 1737109 |
Burial Place |
Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada |
Burial Memo |
Father Ruffin. Also present were Nicolas Bourdet and Francois Pepin. |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Jacques ARCHAMBAULT (<1671-1725) |
Mother |
Marie Francoise AUBUCHON dite LESPERANCE (<1677-<1746) |
Marriage Date |
Feb 3, 1733109 |
Marriage Place |
Longue-Pointe Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
The groom's father consented to the marriage "pourvu qu'il prenne une fille qui ne lui fasse point deshonneur" [provided that he take a girl who brings him no disgrace]). Father Jullien. Also present were Francois Poulin dit Francheville ("marchand" [merchant]), Francois Pasquier (the groom's uncle), Jean Baptiste Archambaux, his father Laurent Archambaux, Jacques Foran, Joseph Aubuchon, Jacques Aubuchon (the bride's uncle), and Pierre Archambaux (the bride's uncle). |
Marriage Date |
Aug 4, 1738109 |
Marriage Place |
Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
The three banns were published in Point-aux-Trembles Parish and in that of the groom [Repentigny], as appears from the certificate of Father Dailibou. Father Courtois. Also present were Nicolas Gervaise (Sr.), Nicolas Gervaise (Jr.), Jean Baptiste Gervais and Angelique Siono. |
Notes for Antoine LACASSE |
- |
Research Notes |
NAME: His last name is also given as CASSE, as LACASE, and as LECASSU.109 |