Person Sheet

Birth Date bef Oct 14, 1692109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date Oct 14, 1692109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Etienne Guyotte. Also present were Joseph Deneau and Marie Anne Sauvageot.
Death Date ?
Father Joseph AUBUCHON dit LESPERANCE (1664-1749)
Mother Elisabeth Isabelle CUSSON
Birth Date bef Jun 4, 1686109
Birth Place PQ Canada
Birth Memo from date of baptism
Baptism Date Jun 4, 1686109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father E. Guyotte. Also present were Jean Baptiste Texier and Jeanne Leber.
Death Date bef Feb 13, 1713109
Death Place PQ Canada
Death Memo from date of burial
Burial Date Feb 13, 1713109
Burial Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Priat. Also present were Francois Chaumaux and Francois Cheze ("prêtres" [priests]).
Father Laurent TESSIER dit LAVIGNE (1655-<1687)
Mother Anne LEMIRE (1664-1750)
Marriage Date Feb 7, 1712109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Priat. Also present were Anne Lemyr (the groom's mother), Joseph Aubuchon (the bride's father), Louis Lecavelier (the bride's uncle), Gedeon Decatalogne ("écuyer, lieutenant du détachement de la marine" [squire, lieutenant of the navy detachment]), Paul Texier (the groom's uncle), and Antoine Adhemar (the bride's maternal uncle).
Children Marie Anne (Posthumous) (1713-?)
2 Pierre JOLY
Birth Date May 20, 1682109
Birth Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date May 20, 1682109
Baptism Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Pierre Paul Gaignon. Also present were Jean Aramy ("bourgeois") and Marie Minville, wife of ? Villeneufve.
Death Date May 22, 1743109
Death Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Date May 23, 1743109
Burial Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Burial Memo Father Plante. No witnesses are listed.
Occupation "maître boulanger" [master baker]109
Father Jean JOLY
Mother Marguerite Marie AMIOT dite VILLENEUVE
Marriage Date Feb 10, 1718109
Marriage Place Neuville Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo The three banns were dispensed with. Father Hazeur. Also present were Joseph Daubusson (the bride's father), Jacques Tibierge ("maître armurier du roi" [master armourer of the king]), Jean Gingras, Francois Augers, Pierre Coutancinaux, Jacques Tibierge (the bride's uncle), Catherine Lepallieur and Jacques Cusson.
Children Pierre (Died as Child) (1718-1719)
Pierre (1720-?)
Francois (1722-?)
Madeleine Marie Anne (1724-?)
Francois (Died as Child) (ca1726-<1726)
Joseph (1727-?)
Marie Catherine (1729-?)
Marie Louise (Died as Child) (1730-1730)
Jean Baptiste (1731-?)
Marie Louise (1733-?)
Notes for Marie Anne AUBUCHON dite LESPERANCE
She was unable to sign at her marriage to Jean Baptiste.109

This family is shown in the 1744 census of Québec as follows:
Marie Anne AUBUCHON, 49, widow, "boulangère" [baker], Joseph, 27, Joseph Pierre, 13, Catherine, 15, Louise, 12 [children's last name given as JOLY]; Therese GRANDMENIL, 32, Jacques LESIEUR, 24, "ouvrier" [?labourer], Charlotte GUILLOT, 22, "domestique" [servant].109
Research Notes
NAME: Her last name is also given as AUBUSCHON and as DAUBUSSON.109

MARRIAGE: The register entry for her marriage to Pierre is not dated. It occurs after a marriage on February 10 and before a burial on February 9.109
Last Modified May 16, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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