Name |
Occupation |
"domestique" [servant], "boucher" [butcher]109 |
Birth Date |
May 3, 1699109 |
Birth Place |
Québec Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
May 3, 1699109 |
Baptism Place |
Québec Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Francois Dupre. Also present were Philippe Bastien ("chapelier" [hatter]) and Catherine Gautier, wife of Jean Baptiste Lacoudrais. |
Death Date |
? |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Mother |
Marie Madeleine JOLY |
Spouses |
1 |
Marguerite TESSIER dite LAVIGNE |
Birth Date |
Jul 28, 1701109 |
Birth Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
Jul 28, 1701109 |
Baptism Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father R.C. Debreslay. Also present were Pierre Perthuis ("marchand" [merchant]) and Marguerite Payet, wife of Pierre Couturier ("maçon" [mason/bricklayer]). |
Death Date |
? |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Jean Baptiste TESSIER dit LAVIGNE (<1663-1734) |
Mother |
Marie Louise CARON (ca1670-1703) |
Marriage Date |
Nov 24, 1721109 |
Marriage Place |
Montréal Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Priat. Also present were Jean Texier (the bride's father), Charles Texier (the groom's [sic] brother), Pierre Busson (son of Pierre Busson dit Subtil), and Antoine Poudret. |
Notes for Philippe DELACHESNAYE dit LACHAINE |
Philippe appears in the 1716 census of Québec as a "domestique" [servant] in the home of Pierre Jolly and Anne Lafuie.109
He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marguerite.109 |
Research Notes |
NAME: His last name is also given as DELACHENAYS, and his dit name as LACHENAYS, as LACHENAY, as LACHAINAYE, as LACHAINAIS, as LACHENAIS, as LACHAISNE, as LACHAISNES, and as LACHENAYE.109 |