Person Sheet

Occupation "domestique" [servant], "boucher" [butcher]109
Birth Date May 3, 1699109
Birth Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date May 3, 1699109
Baptism Place Québec Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father Francois Dupre. Also present were Philippe Bastien ("chapelier" [hatter]) and Catherine Gautier, wife of Jean Baptiste Lacoudrais.
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Mother Marie Madeleine JOLY
1 Marguerite TESSIER dite LAVIGNE
Birth Date Jul 28, 1701109
Birth Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Date Jul 28, 1701109
Baptism Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Baptism Memo Father R.C. Debreslay. Also present were Pierre Perthuis ("marchand" [merchant]) and Marguerite Payet, wife of Pierre Couturier ("maçon" [mason/bricklayer]).
Death Date ?
Religion Roman Catholic109
Father Jean Baptiste TESSIER dit LAVIGNE (<1663-1734)
Mother Marie Louise CARON (ca1670-1703)
Marriage Date Nov 24, 1721109
Marriage Place Montréal Parish, PQ Canada
Marriage Memo Father Priat. Also present were Jean Texier (the bride's father), Charles Texier (the groom's [sic] brother), Pierre Busson (son of Pierre Busson dit Subtil), and Antoine Poudret.
Children Marguerite (Died as Child) (1723-<1723)
Philippe Francois (Died as Child) (1724-<1724)
Charlotte Francoise (1725-?)
Elisabeth Louise (Died as Child) (1727-<1727)
Francois (Died as Child) (1728-1728)
Marie Marguerite (Died as Child) (1729-<1729)
Joseph (Died as Child) (1730-1730)
Notes for Philippe DELACHESNAYE dit LACHAINE
Philippe appears in the 1716 census of Québec as a "domestique" [servant] in the home of Pierre Jolly and Anne Lafuie.109

He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marguerite.109
Research Notes
NAME: His last name is also given as DELACHENAYS, and his dit name as LACHENAYS, as LACHENAY, as LACHAINAYE, as LACHAINAIS, as LACHENAIS, as LACHAISNE, as LACHAISNES, and as LACHENAYE.109
Last Modified May 22, 2002 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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