Marriage Date |
Jan 28, 1737109 |
Marriage Place |
Lachine Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father Devallierres. Also present were Charles Lemaire dit St-Germain (the groom's father, "capitaine de milice" [captain of militia]), Charles Lemaire (the groom's brother), Jean Chenie (the groom's uncle), ? Delorimier ("officier dans les troupes de la marine" [officer in the navy troops]), Paul Picar (the groom's cousin), Jean Baptiste Gourdon dit Lachasse, Charlotte Lemaire (the groom's sister), Charles Tessie (the bride's brother), Louis Tessie (the bride's brother), Antoine Jaris (the bride's father-in-law or stepfather), Dominique Lapalme, ? Lepailleur dit Laserte, and Madeleine Laforce (the bride's sister-in-law or stepsister, wife of Louis Tessie [above]). |