Name |
Ignace GOULET |
Birth Date |
Feb 13, 1696109 |
Birth Place |
La Pérade Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Date |
Feb 14, 1696109 |
Baptism Place |
La Pérade Parish, PQ Canada |
Baptism Memo |
Father Deleuze. Also present were Ignace Guion and Anne Francoise Richard. |
Death Date |
? |
Religion |
Roman Catholic109 |
Father |
Thomas GOULET (1661-1729) |
Mother |
Marie Marguerite Louise PANCATLIN (1663-?) |
Spouses |
Marriage Date |
Apr 27, 1722109 |
Marriage Place |
Pointe-aux-Trembles Parish, PQ Canada |
Marriage Memo |
Father M. Gasnault (by delegation of Father Delagoudalie). Also present were Thomas Goulet (the groom's father), Marguerite Pencatlin (the groom's mother), Claude Deconges (the bride's father), and Pierre Richard. |
Notes for Ignace GOULET |
He was unable to sign at his marriage to Marie Barbe.109 |
Research Notes |
NAME: His last name is also given as GOULAIT.109
BIRTH: His parentage and place of birth are confirmed with the date given as Feb 14, 1696.49 |