1. Notes, Lloyd and Heather McKague, 1998.
2. Andrew Russel McKague, "Andrew McKague Genealogy", 1975. Copy supplied by Sharon Proctor.
3. E-mail, Dennis Winston McKague, 2000.
4. Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. [N.B.: Because of an apparent systemic problem with this report, I have disregarded virtually all entries about place of birth. It appears that information about place of residence has found its way into the birth field.]
5. E-mail, Mike McKague, 2000.
6. "1871 Canadian census index", <>, accessed 1998.
7. 1861 census of Canada, Roll C-1010, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 13, line 37, and p. 42, line 2.
8. 1871 census of Canada, Roll C-9934, C2, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 21, lines 9-10.
9. Marriage registration of Andrew McKague and Mary McLean (Wellington Co., 1861), cited in Mary Crandall, "Marriages in Ontario 1800-1924", <>
10. Marriage registration of John Jeremiah Dean and Elizabeth McKague, Reg. No. 013393-93 (Wentworth Co), cited in Mary Crandall, "Marriages in Ontario 1800-1924", <>
11. 1861 census of Canada, Roll C-1010, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 29, line 22, and p. 43, line 31.
12. Records of Vallonia Cemetery, Decatur Co. KS US, citedin E-mail, Brian McKague, 2002.
13. Clipping obtained from Norma McKague, Oberlin Press, Oberlin NE US, 1945.
14. 1871 census of Canada, Roll C-9934, C2, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. line 1.
15. 1880 Atlas Project, McGill University, Montréal PQ, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003.
16. 1861 census of Canada, Roll C-1010, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 23, line 30.
17. 1881 census of Canada, Roll C-13274, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 3, line 1.
18. Photograph of gravestone of Hugh McKague and Elizabeth Parr, provided by Lorne Olmstead, 2002.
19. 1881 census of Canada, Roll C-13274, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 39.
20. 1861 census of Canada, Roll C-1010, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 15, line 18 and p. 42, line 10.
21. 1871 census of Canada, Roll C-9934, C2, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 51, line 16.
22. "McKague file sent by Kevin [McKague]", cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003.
23. 1871 census of Canada, Roll C-9934, C2, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003.
24. Marriage registration of David Kirkland and Nellie Geddes, #003935-1901 (Bruce Co), 1901 marriage registrations, Bruce County, cited in E-mail, Bob and Marg Hutton, 2001.
25. E-mail, Dennis Winston McKague, 2001.
26. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 6, line 44.
27. 1881 census of Canada, Roll C-13274, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 65, line 12.
28. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 4, line 12.
29. E-mail, Paula Chodacki, 2000.
30. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 2, line 39.
31. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003.
32. Marriage registration of Alex McKague and Hanna M Hutton, #001709-1892, 1892 marriage registrations, Bruce County, cited in E-mail, Bob and Marg Hutton, 2001.
33. GEDCOM 20990, uploaded Aug 24, 1999 by to, downloaded 2000.
34. Marriage registration of Alex McKague and Hannah M. Hutton, Reg. No. 001709-1892 (Bruce Co), cited in Mary Crandall, "Marriages in Ontario 1800-1924", <>
35. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 9, line 18.
36. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 3, line 19.
37. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 3, line 27.
38. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 2, line 26.
39. Marriage registration of John McKague and Mary Jane Porter, Reg. No. 004993-83 (Huron Co.), cited in Mary Crandall, "Marriages in Ontario 1800-1924", <>
40. 1861 census of Canada, Roll C-1010, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 12, line 30.
42. 1881 census of Canada, Roll C-13274, Culross Twp, S. Bruce, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 8.
43. Marriage announcements, Woodstock Sentinel-Review, Mar 23, 1883, cited in E-mail, Mary Crandall, 2003.
44. 1901 census of Canada, Roll T-6461, Bruce Co., Culross Twp, cited in Report, "Descendants of Andrew McKague", created by Jack Langstaff, 2003. p. 9, line 35.
45. E-mail, Jennifer (Cox) Livingston, 2003.
46. "City of Saskatoon: Woodlawn Cemetery",, accessed 2000.
47. Marriage registration of David Kirkland and Nellie Geddes, Reg. No. 003935-1901 (Bruce Co.), cited in Mary Crandall, "Marriages in Ontario 1800-1924", <>
48. E-mail, Pamela (Reid) Deichert, 2000.
49. "National Archives of Canada, CEF Data Base",, accessed 1999.
50. "Yvonne M. Housser",, accessed 1999.
51. "Canadiana Catalogue #89, H-L",, accessed 1999.
52. "Yvonne Housser Fonds",, accessed May 2000.
53. E-mail, Margot McKague, 1999.
54. "Founders of the Manitoba Amateur Radio Museum",, accessed 1999.
55. Death certificate for Samuel R. McKague, Minnesota Historical Society database, cited in E-mail, Brian McKague, 2001.
56. E-mail, Janet McKague, 2003.
57. Andrew Russel McKague, "Andrew McKague Genealogy", 1975. Copy supplied by Sharon Proctor. Sanford.
58. E-mail, Colleen (Atkins) McKague, 2001. Sandy.
59. E-mail, Patti Jean (McKague) Fernandes, 2000.
60. Interview, Patti Jean (McKague) Fernandes, 2001.
61. E-mail, Shelley Knight-Chevalier, 2001.
62. "Life on Brian's Beat",, accessed 1999.
63. Interview, Bruce McKague, 2001.
64. "Canadian Virtual War Memorial",, accessed 1999.
65. E-mail, Jeffrey McKague, 1999.
66. E-mail, Vicki McKague, 2000.
67. E-mail, Vicki McKague, 1999.
68. E-mail, Barbra Lang Walker, 2001.
69. E-mail, Harold Tolton, 2000.
70. Honeymoon photograph, licence plate, supplied by Carola (Fuller) McKague, 2001.
71. "National Archives of Canada, CEF Data Base",, accessed 1999. RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 6917 - 17 .
72. E-mail, Carola (Fuller) McKague, 2001.
73. E-mail, Joan (McKague) Davis, 2000.
74. E-mail, Jamie (Ridley) Lindgren, 2000.
75. "British Columbia Archives, Death Registration Index", Reg. No. 1978-09-007478; B.C. Archives M/F No. B13585, GSU M/F No. 2051144.
76. E-mail, Kevin McKague, 2000.
77. "British Columbia Archives, Birth Registration Index", Reg. No. 1898-09-177901; B.C. Archives M/F No. B13814; GSU M/F No. 2134884.
78. E-mail, Tim McKague, 2000.
79. "British Columbia Archives, Marriage Registration Index", Reg. No. 1919-09-203136, B.C. Archives M/F No. B11390, GSU M/F No. 1984111.
80. E-mail, Wayne Jackson, 2001.
81. Jim McKane, "McKane and Lyons Genealogy",, accessed Jun 1999.
82. E-mail, Carla Scherger, 2001.
83. "British Columbia Archives, Death Registration Index", Reg. No. 1963-09-011024; B.C. Archives M/F No. B13263; GSU M/F No. 2033587.
84. E-mail, Leslie (McKague) Laronde, 2000.
85. E-mail, Jean Crozier, 2001.
86. E-mail, Jean Crozier, 2003.
87. Marriage registration of Thos James Hutton and Annie Maude Smith, #003933-1901, 1901 marriage registrations, Bruce County, cited in E-mail, Bob and Marg Hutton, 2001.
88. Photograph of gravestone of Elizabeth H. Parr, provided by Lorne Olmstead, 2002.
89. E-mail, name of sender withheld, 2001.
90. E-mail, Lorne Olmstead, 2002.
91. E-mail, Shannon Cairns, 2002.
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Created Dec 30, 2003 by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.