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IMPORTANT: Before you start exploring this tree, PLEASE read the notice on our genealogy page, even if you've read it before--it's been revised. You can get there by going to the bottom of this page and selecting the web address beside the little house. You can also get there from any page in the tree by going to the bottom and choosing "Contact", which will take you back to the bottom of this page. ABOUT THE McKAGUES Three families of McKagues are known to have come to Canada in the 19th century. First are the McKagues from County Cavan. Then the family of Andrew McKague from County Armagh moved to Durham County ON, and later to Bruce County ON. Another family of McKagues from County Monaghan moved to York County ON. We're hoping that we will eventually be able to connect them back in Ireland. This family tree deals with the County Armagh McKagues. We've also put up a tree for our family, the County Cavan group. If and when we get information about the County Monaghan crew, who seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth, we'll do a tree for them too. This is very much a work in progress. As most of our intensive work to date has been on the County Cavan tree, the Armagh tree is rather sparse. Much of our information is about 25 years old, and we have few dates and places. We welcome and encourage additions and corrections from members of the McKague family and interested others. We'll be updating frequently, so please come back from time to time. ABOUT THIS FAMILY TREE We've included direct descendants of the earliest known McKague, spouses of direct descendants (and their other spouses and descendants), and immediate relatives of spouses. We have chosen to respect privacy by excluding all information about living people except for their names and places in the tree. (We do have a fair bit of such information, and will be happy to help people share it in the right circumstances.) If we aren't sure whether someone is still alive, we have decided to play it safe and exclude the information. If we're reliably informed of the person's death, we'll make the information available. SOME TIPS ON USING THE TREE The tree consists of "family cards" and "person sheets". You can start either by clicking "Home card" above (which will take you to the family card for our first known McKague), or by clicking "Surnames" and picking a surname, and then given name, of your choice. We do NOT advise that you start with "Index", as loading the index is a slow process, and getting there through "Surnames" will be much faster. Navigation through the family cards is pretty self-evident. What may not be quite so obvious is that you can click on the name of either of a couple on a "family card", and get a "person sheet" containing more information about that person (if we have it). The information on the person sheet is usually different for husbands and wives, so you may want to look at both. You can then navigate among the person sheets by clicking names. If you want to go back to the family cards, just go to the bottom of the page and click "Web Family Card". At the bottom of many person sheets, for the use of those of you who are serious about your genealogy, is a section called "Research Notes", which contains information about conflicting sources and unanswered questions. Any help appreciated. | | | |