Person Sheet

Name Robert Enry McKAGUE
Occupation Farmer39,40
Birth Date Oct 17, 18226,10,12,37
Birth Place County Cavan, Ireland
Death Date Apr 26, 19026,10,12,2,37
Burial Place ON Canada38
Burial Memo Royston Cemetery, south of Burks Falls ON
Religion Christian Conference Baptist39
Father John McKAGUE (1754-1851)
Mother Jane WILSON (1774-?)
Birth Date Jul 13, 18266,10,12,2,37
Death Date Apr 22, 19086,12,2,37
Burial Place ON Canada38
Burial Memo Royston Cemetery, south of Burks Falls ON
Marriage Date Feb 6, 18436,30,12
Marriage Place Brock Twp, Victoria Co. ON Canada
Marriage Memo Rev. Andrew Jamieson
Children Matilda (1844-1873)
Hannah (1845-?)
Jane (Died as Child) (1846-1846)
Harriet (1848-1878)
George Thomas (1850-1915)
Esther (1853-1885)
Charles Wesley (1855-1919)
William Robert (1857-1939)
John Ezra (1859-?)
Aaron (Twin) (1861-1945)
Asa J. (Twin) (1861-1939)
Clarissa (Died as Child) (1862-1862)
Mary Jane (Died as Child) (1863-1869)
Martha Elizabeth (1864-1954)
Margaret Ann (1867-1953)
Notes for Robert Enry McKAGUE
Robert immigrated to Canada with his parents about 1823.40 About 1837 he moved to Irish's Corners (now Woodville), Mariposa Township ON and bought land (Lot 1, Concession 15)30,6. His brothers John & George did the same. The price--it's unclear whether for half or whole lot--was �37 10s, paid as $50 and a team of oxen.40

Robert mortgaged his farm to pay for the construction of a Baptist meeting house at Lot 2, Concession 14, Mariposa, and lost the farm. He left the area and moved to Bexley Township, Victoria County ON in the mid-1860s.12,6,30,39

He eventually moved to Doe Lake, McMurrich Township ON, near Burks Falls, and lived there till death.12,30 It apears that he took in a British home child named John William George WELLS in 1885; John was placed elsewhere in 1887.43
Research Notes
NAME: His first name(s) is/are also given as Robert.44

BIRTH: His birthplace is also given as Ontario39 and Canada.2,30 His birthdate is also given as ca 1823.30 His year of birth is confirmed.42 He is shown as 48 in the 1871 census.39

MARRIAGE: His marriage to Mary Ann is wrongly given as 1823.2 The marriage is confirmed with no date or place given.42

DEATH: His year of death is confirmed.42
Last Modified Oct 1, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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