Spouses | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Notes for Winfield R. McKAGUE | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Winfield was raised in Michigan, and moved to Boise ID.264 He was naturalized as an American citizen on Nov 13, 1883 at Niobrara, Knox Co. NE.514 In 1885, he was farming in Eden Precinct, Antelope Co. NE US. He owned 460 acres of which 60 were tilled, 390 were unimproved, and 10 were woodland and forest. The farm was valued at $5,000,the farm implements at $360 and the livestock at $180. He had two horses.506 On Apr 7, 1888 he was granted "the south west quarter of section four in township twenty eight north of range six west of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres".515 In 1901, he was living in Millerboro NE US.182 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Research Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
NAME: His first name(s) is/are also given as Winfield239 and as W.R.516 BIRTH: Winfield is shown as 2 on the 1861 census,263 as 11, born in Canada, in the 1870 census,266 and as 21, born in Canada on the 1880 census.239 His parentage is confirmed with no birthdate or place given.269 His birthplace is also given as Michigan.264 CHILDREN: Winfield is said to have had 11 children.236 One source shows another son named Andrew Robert, who in turn had a son Jack517 but we are also told he did not exist, and Jack was Walter's son.236 Winfield's land grant: Millerboro [handwritten in upper left corner] THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: CERTIFICATE No. 5676 Whereas Winfield McKague of Knox County, Nebraska has deposited in the GENERAL LAND OFFICE of the United States a CERTIFICATE OF THE REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE at Niobrara, Nebraska whereby it appears the Full Payment has been made by the said Winfield McKague according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An Act making further provision for the sale of the Public Lands," and the acts supplemental thereto, for the south west quarter of section four in township twenty eight north of range six west of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska, containing one hundred and sixty acres according to the OFFICIAL PLAT of the Survey of the said lands, returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the SURVEYOR GENERAL, which said Tract has been purchased by the said Winfield McKague Now know ye, That the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several Acts of Congress in such case made and provided, Have given and granted, and by these presents Do give and grant, unto the said Winfield McKague and to his heirs, the said Tract above described: To have and to hold the same, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said Winfield McKague and to his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the seal of the GENERAL LAND OFFICE to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the CITY OF WASHINGTON, the seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twelfth[.] [signed] "Grover Cleveland" By: [signed] "M. McKeane", Secretary [signed] "Robt. W. Ross", Recorder of the General Land Office RECORDED, Vol. 11 Page 179515 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Modified Oct 16, 2003 | Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh |