Person Sheet

Name William Henry HENNESSY
Occupation Farmer, Carpenter, Builder51
Birth Date May 13, 185951
Birth Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada
Baptism Date Jan 19, 187651
Death Date Mar 20, 192351
Death Place Point Anne, Thurlow Twp, Hastings Co. ON Canada
Death Memo myocarditis. Dr. W.W. Boyce, Belleville. Informant son George.
Burial Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada51
Burial Memo Mount Zion Cemetery. Memorial stone in Mount Calvary Roman Catholic Cemetery, Murray Twp. Undertaker L.M. Britnell.
Religion Anglican51
Father John HENNESSY (1817-1899)
Mother Anna BLEECKER (1824-1871)
1 Catherine MURPHY
Birth Date 186151
Birth Place Ireland
Death Date Oct 193351
Death Place Canada
Religion Roman Catholic51
Children John Michael (1880-1934)
James (>1880-<1933)
George (>1880-?)
Edward (>1880-<1933)
William (>1880-?)
Daniel (>1880-?)
Kathleen (>1880-?)
Annie (>1880-<1933)
Margaret (1898-1966)
Gertrude Agnes (1902-1970)
Notes for William Henry HENNESSY
William farmed in Murray until 1909 when he moved to Point Ann and became a carpenter and builder.51

From Peter Hennessy's book The Hennessys of the Bay of Quinte, p. 54:
"[I]t is worth pointing out that it was Catherine Murphy who shattered the Anglican Protestant facade of the family. She and William had ten children, all baptized Catholics and most of them married to Catholics. According to family lore, William converted to Catholicism on his death bed. One of their sons, John, had a furniture store in Trenton. His daughter, Mary, lives in Buffalo. There is a family myth that the Protestant and Catholic Hennessys are not related. That is not the only myth in this family."52
Research Notes
DEATH: William's death date is also given as Mar 10, 1923.212
Last Modified Aug 8, 2000 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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