Person Sheet

Name John Michael HENNESSY
Birth Date 188051
Birth Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada
Death Date 1934216
Burial Memo Mount Calvary Roman Catholic Cemetery.
Religion Anglican51
Father William Henry HENNESSY (1859-1923)
Mother Catherine MURPHY (1861-1933)
1 Clara Christine McCAULEY
Birth Date 188551
Birth Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada
Death Date ?
Marriage Date Nov 1, 190851
Marriage Place Murray Twp, Northumberland Co. ON Canada
Children Mary
Notes for John Michael HENNESSY
John owned a furniture store in Trenton.51 He was living in Trenton in 1933.215
Research Notes
BIRTH: John's year of birth is given on his gravestone as 1884.216

DEATH: His year of death is also given as 1932.51

QUESTION: Was John later Roman Catholic? He was buried in a Catholic cemetery.216 He is also said to have been baptized Catholic.52
Last Modified Aug 8, 2000 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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