Person Sheet

Name George McKAGUE
Occupation Farmer40
Birth Date 181010,12
Birth Place County Cavan, Ireland
Death Date Sep 11, 247
Death Place NE US
Death Memo typhoid dysentery, 78 yr 7 mo
Father John McKAGUE (1754-1851)
Mother Jane WILSON (1774-?)
1 Susan TOWER
Birth Date ca 1821
Birth Memo see Research Notes
Death Date ?
Father Unknown TOWER
Children Rodney (ca1831-?)
Rosanna (ca1833-?)
Clarissa (ca1836-?)
Robert (1836-?)
Isaac Wilson (1838-1924)
Julia (1842->1895)
Esther Ann (ca1844-?)
William (ca1845-?)
Joseph H. (1847-1926)
Mariah (1853-?)
George Wilson (1856-1911)
Levina (1857-?)
2 Martha WADE
Birth Date ca 1821545
Birth Place County Cavan, Ireland
Death Date ?
Father Abraham WADE (ca1796-?)
Mother Margaret UNKNOWN
Marriage Date Aug 1, 1860545,2
Marriage Memo The witness was Thomas Wade of Cramahe Township.
Notes for George McKAGUE
"George McKague, the father of our townsman Robt. M. McKague, at the ripe age of 78 years and 7 months, died at the residence of his son William, near Starr, on Sept. 11, of typhoid dysentery. Mr. McKague is of Irish birth and came to Canada when he was a lad of 12 years, remaining there until about three years ago, when he came here to join his sons. His home has been principally with William, but has lived at times with Joseph of Antelope county and Robert of this place. He was a man of strong constitution and but for the severe attack that caused his death had good prospects for several years yet. A man of Christian character, he leaves behind many warm friends and a relativeship of about 38 in Antelope, Holt and Knox counties who mourn his loss."247

George immigrated to Canada with his parents about 1823.6 He moved to Irish's Corners (now Woodville) and bought a farm in Mariposa Township about 1837 (east half, Lot 4, Concession 15)30,6. His brothers John and Robert did likewise. Price--it's unclear whether it's for a half or whole lot--was �37 10s, paid as $50 and a team of oxen.6 By 1861 George had moved to Maryborough Township, Wellington County ON;30 in fact, that was his residence at his marriage to Martha in 1860.545 In 1875 he was living with his son Robert in Minnesota. No wife appears there.244

A cryptic note listing his wife Susan and his children, apparently in Avon McKague's handwriting, ends: "Neb-Creighton-1879. from Mich, Minn to Neb."231
Research Notes
NAME: His last name is also given as McKAIG.545

BIRTH: George's birthdate is also given as ca 1810.6 He is shown as 51, born in Cavan, Ireland, in 1860.545 He is shown as 51 in 1861.546 He is shown on the 1875 census as 66, born in Ireland,244 and on the 1885 census as 77, born in Ireland.227 His son Isaac's death certificate indicates that George was born in Ireland.262 His place of birth is confirmed with no parentage or date given.247 His place of birth is also given as NY US.547

MARRIAGE and CHILDREN: Although family lore has it that each of George's wives was the mother of seven children, developing evidence is that they were all children of Susan, with the possible exception of Charles. In fact, Charles may not exist: "I have my doubts about Charles. My grandpa said their was 14 children but the note/list I found in his belongings only list 13 with no Charles. The note was written in the 40's because it said Roy was alive. The letter from Orra lists Charles as one of the children but he says Charles moved to Louisiana and had a son named Robert who moved to Texas. I now believe he is talking about Robert's son Charles Henry. That Charles had a son Robert who moved to Texas."242 Some confusion arises from the fact that Isaac's death certificate gives his mother as Martha TOWER, born in New York.262 The 1880 census entry for Isaac also states that Isaac's mother was born in New York.239 To further complicate things, Margaret Hill has Isaac McKAGUE & Susan TORVER [TOWER?] married July 7, 1858,54 which is the date that Isaac married Sarah ORR.

MISC: George may have been a member of the Northumberland County militia in 1828. The list includes George McKEAG(E), aged 20. Or possibly that is one of his cousins, children of William.108,104

1885 census entry:
McKaig, Joe 37, farmer, b. Canada, father b. Ireland, mother b. N.Y., Mary 47, keeping house, b. Canada, father b. Canada, mother b. N.Y., Joseph 10, b. Minnesota, father b. Canada, mother b. Canada, Roy 8, b. Minnesota, father b. Canada, mother b. Canada, Floyd 1, b. Nebraska, father b. Canada, mother b. Canada, Geo. (widowed) 77 father, farmer, b. Ireland, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland227
Last Modified Jun 22, 2003 Created Dec 31, 2003 by Reunion for Macintosh

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